How to install Java on Windows XP

This video explains how to install Java on a Windows XP system.


1) Search for JDK on Google.

2) You'll land into an URL like this one:

3) Select the JDK link and then select the latest version.

4) Read the license, if you agree with it accept it, and select the right download for your machine.

If you need to know if your machine is a 32 bits or a 64 bits one, use the advice from this KB page:

5) Once it's downloaded execute it and get it installed.

6) When it finish installing, make sure the Java runtime works (java.exe) and that the compiler works too (javac.exe).

7) If the compiler is not found, add the directory where it was installed to the PATH environment variable. Then also add the JDK installation directory into a new environment variable named JAVA_HOME, this will help you with other programs in the future.

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java install, java install windows xp, java install windows xp 32 bit, java install windows xp professionalHow to install Java on Windows XP